From Helsingør (Denmark) to Helsingborg (Sweden)

On the third day of our trip, we wanted to visit Helsingør, famous for the Kronborg castle from William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet. 

Before we reach the castle we stopped to take some photos next to the “Han” statue – the male companion of the famous little mermaid statue, located in the centre of Copenhagen.

After visiting the castle we decided to go to Sweden by ferry. This is something that Nordic people do a lot – the Swedishing, this is taking a ferry from Denmark to Sweden and vice versa because the distance from Helsingør to Helsingborg it’s not much and the trip is very pleasant. 

From Helsingør (Denmark) to Helsingborg (Sweden)

Helsingborg, Sweden 

PT: Helsingborg é conhecida como a cidade que liga a Suécia ao resto da Europa. Aqui andámos um pouco a pé pela cidade e estivemos no internior da Sankta Maria kyrka, uma igreja gótica bastante antiga.